1. What is Business Analysis ?
  2. Who is a Business Analyst ?
  3. Why a Business Analyst is needed ?
  4. Who can become a Business Analyst ?
  5. Why the profile of Business Analyst is considered as the best entry to a long term career in IT ?
  6. Is Business Analysis the right career option for me or not ?
  7. What is the career progression of a Business Analyst ?
  8. Is there any certification required to become a Business Analyst?
  9. How much do Business Analysts earn on an average?
  10. What are the key skills of a Business Analyst ?
  11. Do Business Analysts need to know the programming languages?
  12. What are the roles and responsibilities of a Business Analyst in an Organisation ?
  13. Why the job responsibilities of a Business Analyst differ from company to company ?
  14. Where all can I learn the skills of a Business Analyst ?
  15. What all documents does a Business Analyst prepare?
  16. What is the meaning of following terms:
    SDLC, BRD, FRD, UML, Diagrams, Epic, Story, Agile, Waterfall, Sprint, Iteration, BPMN, Use cases

Business Analysis – Level 2

  1. Business Analyst VS Project Manager
  2. Stakeholders involved in a Project
  3. Knowledge Areas of Business Analysis